

ウエスト - Waist 前股上 - Front Rise
後股上 - Back Rise ワタリ - Upper Thigh
股下 - Inside Leg ひざ幅 - Knee
裾幅 - Leg Opening

ウエスト - Waist

ウエスト - Waist
1. フロントボタンを閉め、前後の股上の高さを揃える ※写真のように中心を少しずらし、ずれないようにクリップで留めると測りやすいです
Button up the pants and lay on a flat surface. Pull the front waistband up to line up with the back.

ウエスト - Waist
2. 端から端まで測り、二倍にした数値がウエスト寸法です
Measure the top of the waistband from one side to the other. Double this to get the waist measurement.

前股上 - Front Rise

前股上 - Front Rise
1. 身頃の重なり部分を始点とする
Start at the border between front and back of the crotch, as indicated by the photograph.

前股上 - Front Rise
2. 前中心に沿ってウエスト帯の上端まで測る
Measure along the center front to the top of the front waistband.

後股上 - Back Rise

後股上 - Back Rise
Start at the same point as front rise, and measure along the back front to the top of the back waistband.

ワタリ - Upper Thigh

ワタリ - Upper Thigh
1. 内股のダブルステッチの中央を始点とする
Start at the center of the crotch seam, as indicated by the photograph.

ワタリ - Upper Thigh
2. 地の目に直角になるよう、左脚を脇までまっすぐ測る
Measure straight across the left thigh to the outside of the leg, parallel to the waistband.

股下 - Inside Leg

股下 - Inside Leg
1. 内股の縫い合わせ部分を始点とする
Start at the crotch seam, as indicated by the photograph.

股下 - Inside Leg
2. 右脚内側の端に沿ってゆるやかにメジャーを這わせ、裾先までを測る
Measure along the inside edge (not inseam) of the right leg to the end of the leg.

ひざ幅 - Knee

ひざ幅 - Knee
Start at 35cm down from the crotch, and measure straight across the knee.

裾幅 - Leg Opening

裾幅 - Leg Opening
Measure across the leg opening from one edge to the other.
